I received this note from Markus a little while ago, and he's still looking for that perfect Elvis type for his TV show idea. Good luck!

Hi !  I'm a creative guy in L.A. who got an idea for a great new T.V.
series with an ELVIS IMPERSONATOR and we're putting out a national
talent search for someone who looks as close as humanly possible to the
young hot-looking Elvis. Do you know of anybody out there (or of any
connections who might), who could be a dead ringer of the young, thin
Elvis in his girl-getting prime ? 

Is there any impersonator out there taking the world by storm who
already has a frenzied following wherever he goes ? Someone already with  
a built-in following who could continue the legend on a weekly t.v. show
? Singing ability IS NOT necessary...just the dead-ringer looks and of
course the ability to act.

If you know of anybody in the world today who fits this description,
please let us know. We think this show (action comedy) could become a
cultural phenomenon.

Please E-mail us at markus@wgn.net

Thanks ...Markus !

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