    Pearl Harbor, T.H.
December 12, 1941.

From: The Commanding Officer.
To: The Commander in Chief, U.S. PACIFIC FLEET.
Subject: Raid of December 7, 1941.
Reference: (a) CinCPAC desp. 102102 of Dec., 1941.

  1. On the morning of December 7, 1941, this vessel was moored in berth S-9 and the Submarine Base in the usual condition of readiness with all anti-aircraft armament (two .50 cal. and two .30 cal. machine guns) and ready ammunition readily accessible on bridge and in conning tower.

  2. The Dock Duty Chief at the gangway saw the first bomb drop and explode on Ford Island. He immediately sounded the Air Raid alarm. The duty section, in command of the Duty Officer, mounted and manned the anti-aircraft guns in accordance with the ship's Air Raid Bill, and it is estimated that the guns were firing in about four minutes.

  3. By this time torpedo planes were coming in at low altitudes and fire was initially directed at the nearest of these targets. Thereafter, firing was continued at every opportunity when enemy planes came within effective range. One enemy torpedo plane, at which numerous ships, including Narwhal, were firing exploded and crashed in the channel about 100 yards astern of Narwhal prior to launching its torpedoes. Personnel are reasonably sure that Narwhal scored hits on one other plane which came under our fire and banked and turned at close range. This plane emitted white smoke and appeared to be wobbly as it disappeared low in a direction over the Navy Yard Officers' Club.

  4. All officers and enlisted personnel conducted themselves cooly and bravely. There were no individual instances of outstanding distinguished conduct.

  5. There were no personnel nor material casualties.


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