PTO Manual of Classification for US patents

PTO Manual of Classification for US patents

What follows are the subclasses from one class of the Manual of Classification for US patents. As you scroll through the list and encounter a class/subclass of interest, you can jump back to the top and retrieve patent titles by entering the class/subclass in the box below.

Enter a class/subclass code here to get a list of patent titles. Use any of the following forms:
363-131 121-55A 14-.5
that is, no embedded spaces, class and subclass seperated by a dash, and any subclass letters capitalized. Currently Design Patent titles (those in the classes of the form Dxx.yy) are not retreivable.

Enter class/subclass code:

Class Number: 193

Subclass  Subclass
Number    Title

  2 R     CHUTES
  3       .Loading or trimming
  4       .Unloading
  5       ..Vehicle wall supported
  6       ..Extensible trough
  7       .Fruit
  8       .Mail
  9       .Grain drill
  10      .For rotary drum
  11      .With sprayer
  12      .Spiral
  13      ..Switch
  14      .Sectional, multiple-point discharge
  15      .Vertically adjustable, bodily
  16      .Horizontal and vertical swing
  17      .Vertical swing
  18      ..Counterweight
  19      ...Varied
  20      ...Valved
  21      ..Valved
         .Horizontal swing
  22      ..Swiveled sections
  23      ..Multiple-point discharge
  24      .Counterweight
  25 R    .Flexible wall
  25 A    ..Open-face chutes
  25 E    ..Individual elements
  25 AC   ..Ammunition chutes
  25 S    ..Resilient conduit or spring construction
  25 FT   ..Feed tracks
  25 B    ..Balloon or inflatable members
  25 C    ..Extensible, flexible chutes
  27      .Zigzag
  28      ..Switch
         .Vertical pipe
  29      ..Multiple-point discharge
  30      ..Telescopic
  31 R    .Switch
  31 A    ..Chute switches
  32      .Retarder
  33      .Wall
  34      ..Vertical
  2 A     .Chute connections
  2 B     .Wall vibrators
  2 C     .Variable capacity troughs
  2 D     .Endless gravity
  2 E     .Cup
  36      .Switch
  37      .Rollers
  35 A    .Abutments and brakes for roller conveyerss
  35 SS   .Submerging and rising
  35 C    .Centering and clamps (guides, generally)
  35 TE   .Telescoping and extending
  35 F    .Flexible
  35 MD   .Multidirectional
  35 J    .Joints
  35 G    .Gates
  35 B    .Biased rollers
  35 S    .Spiral
  38      SKIDWAYS
  39      .Switch
  40      .Retarder
  41      SKIDS
  42      ROLLER JACKS
  44      ORIENTER
  45      .Manual or mechanical means moves article to upset
  46      .Grooved or twisted chute
  47      .Article upset about fixed point
  48      .Article upset about movable point
  *       ******************************
  *       DIGESTS
  *       ******************************
  DIG 1   Coin chute
  DIG 2   Indicators, safety devices and signals