Plants For A Future - Database Search

The Field, Penpol, Lostwithiel, Cornwall, PL22 0NG, England
Telephone Bodmin (+44 1208) 873554

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Search by Use, Native Range, Habitat, and other properties

Select any of the following uses. Or select none and use the plant criteria below.

Edible Use Medicinal Use Other Use
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Special Uses: Nitrogen fixer: Attracts Wildlife: Ground Cover: Hedge:

Rating: (How useful we think the plant is.) 5 (Best) 4 3 2 1 0 (Show)

You can select one of the following area for where the plant is found in the wild.

Australia & NZ:
N. America:
C. & S. America:

Habitats and Possible Locations

Meadow Lawn Pond Bog Garden Rock Garden
Hedge Hedgerow Woodland Canopy Secondary
Cultivated Beds Sunny Edge Dappled Shade Shady Edge Deep Shade
Walls North South East West

Show all possible habitats . Show textual description of habitats .

You can narrow the search by selecting any of the following:

Habit: Decid/Ever: Rating:
Height: Width: Hardyness: Growth rate:

Flowering times:
In leaf: Flowering time: Seed ripens: Scented:
Flower Type: Self-fertile: Pollinators:

Soil types:
Soil: Well-drained: Heavy clay: Poor Soil:
pH: Acid: Alkaline: Saline:

Other Characteristics:
Shade: Moisture: Wind: Drought:
Nitrogen fixer: Wildlife: Pollution: Frost Tender:


In the above fields ANY means than this field will not be checked. SHOW means that the value for this field will be printed for all matched plants. If SHOW is specified for one of the uses only plants which have some use in this category (Edible, Medicinal or Other) will be displayed. The logic for the searches is
	( Edible Use OR Medicinal Use OR Other Use )
	AND Range
	AND at least one of the Habitats
	AND All of the Growing Properties
A value from 1 to 5. 1 denotes plants of very minor uses, 2 means reasonably useful plants, 3 covers the range of plants that could be grown as standard crops, 4 is for very useful plants whilst 5 denotes those of great value. A very subjective evaluation.
Height & Width
How tall and wide the plant is expected to grow in England. Note: <= 5m means less or equal to five meters and greater than 1m.
How hardy is it on a scale from 1 - 10. One will survive arctic winters, ten is tropical. Cornwall is about eight, but can grow some plants from zone nine. Most of Britain is zone seven, going down to zone six in the north and four in the mountains.
Growth Rate:
How fast the plant can grow. F = fast, M = medium, S = slow.
In Leaf:
Months of the year that the plant is in leaf. 1 = January, 12 = December
Flowering Time
What time of the year does the plant flower? 1 = January, 12 = December
Seed Ripens
What time of the year does the plant produce ripe seed?. 1 = January, 12 = December
Flower Type:
H = hermaphrodite, M = monoecious D = dioecious.
Apomictic: reproduce by seeds formed without sexual fusion. Cleistogamous: self-pollinating without flowers ever opening.
L = light (sandy), M = medium (loam), H = heavy (clay).
A = acid, N = neutral, B = basic (alkaline)
F = full shade (deep woodland, a north-facing wall etc), S = semi-shade (light woodland, a position that is shaded for part of the day etc), N = no shade.
D = dry, M = moist, We = wet (or boggy), Wa = water (grows in ponds etc).
M = tolerates maritime exposure, W = tolerates strong winds but not maritime exposure, N = not wind tolerant.

Full details of the meanings of all the fields can be found on the Help page.

Many thanks to the School of Computer Science University of Leeds for providing the web space.

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Plant information taken from the Plants For A Future - Species Database.
Copyright (c) 1997-2000. Last Update: Feb 2000.
WEB search engine by Rich Morris - Home Page
Plants for a Future, The Field, Penpol, Lostwithiel, Cornwall, PL22 0NG, UK. - Contact Info