


The CHAIRMAN. What is the full name?

Major TINDAL. Lorry Norris Tindal.

The CHAIRMAN. What is your rank?

Major TINDAL. Major in Air Corps, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. And your assignment is now to the Interceptor Command?


Major TINDAL. No, sir. I am assigned to Hickam Field.

The CHAIRMAN. What were your duties on the morning of December 7?

Major TINDAL. My duties on the morning of December 7 were my normal duties as S-2 and assistant S-3 of the 18th Bomb Wing, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. What had your duty to do with the information service?

Major TINDAL. I was sent to New York to go to their school early in the year, and later on I was transferred to Hickam Field, so that on December 7 I had no connection with the Interceptor Command.

The CHAIRMAN. Did you appear at the information center at any time that morning?

Major TINDAL. Yes, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. Under what circumstances?

Major TINDAL. Well, I knew they would probably not be fully manned, and I thought that I was the nearest one and could get there sooner, so I went there.

The CHAIRMAN. Now, when you got there what condition of affairs did you find?

Major TINDAL. The condition of affairs was a little muddled up and everybody was in somewhat of an uproar because of the suddenness of attack, but the R. D. F. stations were working, and the boys were manning the board.


The CHAIRMAN. Were you able to trace the course of the retreating Japanese planes?

Major TINDAL. No, sir. The retreat of the planes seemed to me from the directions of the board to go to the southwest, and the plots would have appeared to go about 30 to 50 miles-somewhere there about that distance-to the southwest, and mill in a circle, and we would lose them. There were two distinct circles in that area

The CHAIRMAN. You traced nothing away to the northward?.

Major TINDAL. No, sir. If there was anything going away to the northwest it was probably a thin plot that I didn't see.

The CHAIRMAN. You were acting for the time being as controller, were you?

Major TINDAL. Yes, sir, and practically everything else, too.

The CHAIRMAN. You had assisted in setting up this information center before you went back to Hickam Field, did you?.

Major TINDAL. Partly, yes, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. Yes. Are there any questions'

General McNARNEY. Did you communicate the probability of what you might believe to be planes going out or landing on carriers to anyone.

Major TINDAL. I communicated this to the Air Force, sir.

General McNARNEY. The Air Force.

Major TINDAL. Yes, sir; those I could get hold of immediately, I knew that, because I knew theirs was in operation. Their office was manned. I am not sure; I don't remember whether I communicated that to the Navy or not. I may have. I was running around from one station to another there, from one position to another, and I am not sure how many other places I sent it to, but I know I did send it to Air Force.

Admiral REEVES. Did your plot show any indication of a surface ship to the southwest?


Major TINDAL. no, sir. It just showed the plots. Are [392] you familiar with those plotting boards, sir?

Admiral REEVES. No, I am not.

Major TINDAL. Well, they put down a series of little arrows.

Admiral REEVES. Yes?

Major TINDAL. And the arrows proceeded to the southwest between 30 and 50 miles away and then formed a circle, indicating many airplanes, and there were two distinct circles about 10 miles apart.

Admiral REEVES. Well, I understand your instrument will indicate a small flight or a large flight.

Major TINDAL. Yes, sir.

Admiral REEVES. Or that it will indicate perhaps a surface ship.

Major TINDAL. Yes, sir. That's quite correct, sir.

Admiral REEVES. Provided the altitude is sufficient.

Major TINDAL. Yes, sir.

Admiral REEVES. Well, was your instrument in such a position that it would have shown the presence of a separate ship 40 or 50 miles away to the southwest?

Major TINDAL. That's quite a long range to pick up a surface vessel from these ground-from these R. D. F. stations.

Admiral REEVES. Yes. Of course your instrument is at a high altitude?

Major TINDAL. Well, even so, even if the instrument is high, there is too much shadow from the water itself.

Admiral REEVES. Yes. Your waves. Your waves pass too close to the surface.

Major TINDAL. Yes, sir. I did, though-in those circles I did have we could have picked up a surface vessel on account of many plots of airplanes in the immediate vicinity.

Admiral REEVES. Well, now, the testimony you have given would indicate these planes disappeared by landing on a carrier?


Major TINDAL. That's what it indicated to me, through looking at the board, sir.

Admiral REEVES. Yes. I have nothing further.

The CHAIRMAN. Thank you very much, Major. Please observe secrecy as to what has been said in here and what has been done in here.

Major TINDAL. Yes, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. Don't communicate it to anyone.

Major TINDAL. Yes, sir.

General McCOY. Will we have time to step in? We might ask the major if he would go down with us; we might like to take a look at that center.

Major TINDAL. Very well, sir.

General McNARNEY. We would like to go to the information center right now.

Major TINDAL. Very Well. Fine. Will you have enough transportation?

General McNARNEY. Yes.

Major TINDAL. I have my car out there.

(Thereupon, at 4:5o o'clock p. m., an adjournment was taken until Friday, December 26, 1941, at 9 o'clock a. m.)

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