To Charles Arsène-Henry, French Ambassador to Japan

Tokyo, March 11, 1941


I have the honor to state that the Japanese Government, in view of the greatest importance which they attach to the maintenance of peace in Greater East Asia, have been watching with concern the development of the dispute to which French Indo-China, whose special relations with Japan have grown still closer as a result of the agreement of the 30th August, 1940, is a party against Thailand.

The Japanese Government, from the standpoint of the maintenance of peace in Greater East Asia and recalling the peaceful and friendly spirit which prompted the conclusion of the aforementioned agreement between Japan and France, have offered their mediation to the Governments of France and Thailand with a view to bringing to an end the dispute between French Indo-China and Thailand. They, therefore, propose to the Government of France their plan of mediation which is presented on separate sheet with confidence that it will be unconditionally accepted by the latter Government. The Japanese Government are prepared, upon its acceptance by the French Government, to guarantee to the Government of France that the settlement of the said dispute through the mediation plan submitted by them will be definitive and irrevocable.

The Japanese Government, on the other hand, entertain no doubt that the Government of France, on their part, will endeavor for the maintenance of peace in Greater East Asia and especially for the establishment of good neighborly and amicable relations between Japan and French Indo-China, as well as for the promotion of closer economic relations between Japan and French Indo-China, and that they will declare to the Japanese Government that they will not enter into any agreement or understanding with a third Power or Powers regarding French Indo-China envisaging economic or military cooperation aimed either directly or indirectly against Japan.

It is understood that the aforementioned guarantee by the Japanese Government and the declaration of the French Government shall by formal documents be confirmed simultaneously with the conclusion of a treaty for the settlement of the dispute between France and Thailand.

I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurance of my highest consideration.


To Yosuke Matsuoka, Japanese Foreign Minister

Tokyo, March 11,


By the letter under today's date, Your Excellency was good enough to inform me as follows: (See text of the foregoing letter)

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the above letter and to inform Your Excellency that the Government of France are disposed, under the present situation, to accede to the instance of the Japanese Government, although they are not obliged to renounce the benefits of their treaties freely negotiated and concluded with the Government of Thailand, either from the standpoint of the local situation or from that of the fortunes of arms. The Government of France, being constantly solicitous of the maintenance of peace in Greater East Asia, have never taken initiative of such a nature as of disturbing that peace, but testify to their fidelity to the basic spirit which inspired the agreement of August 30, 1940, by accepting the Mediation Plan presented on separate sheet. On the basis of that spirit and being desirous of avoiding all kinds of a conflict between Third Powers, the Government of France hereby declare that they have no intention of entering into any agreement or understanding with a third Power or Powers regarding French Indo-China envisaging political economic or military cooperation aimed either directly or indirectly against Japan. Moreover, it is expected by the Government of France that the Government of Japan will assure the strict observance of the agreement of the 30th of August, 1940, and the subsequent military arrangements.

I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurance of my highest consideration.